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As a department we firmly believe in providing the opportunity to allow every student to succeed in their chosen area of Computing and are fortunate to be a part of the Computing at School Network of Excellence.

We currently offer two GCSE options, OCR Computing and ICT. Students are prepared for these options through the units of work they complete in Years 7 and 8 where tasks are varied to allow both logical and creative talents to shine.

Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.


Why study this subject?

Computing and ICT assist in the development of logical thought processes. Both subjects are real-time study areas, which allow students to reflect on their own use of technology and how they wish to develop it further in the future. They can lead to a range of career opportunities, with computing facilitating a more programming orientated path. ICT, due to its more practical nature is an adaptable subject that will allow students to develop adaptable and transferable skills to many career paths.

Topics of Study and Assignments

In Year 7 you learn how to use the school system, effective and safe use of the internet/social media as well as email. You will learn about the structure of computers, computer programming through the use of Scratch, as well as how to use spreadsheets, hardware and software components, binary code and developing web pages in HTML.

In Year 8 you will learn how to develop your programming skills through the use of Python. You will learn about the difference between ICT and Computing through an ICT project.

In GCSE Computing you will discover how computer technology works and take a look at what goes on 'behind the scenes'.

In GCSE ICT you will learn about current and emerging digital technology and its impact on our lives, working with a range of tools and techniques and exploring interactive digital products such as websites, computer games and databases.

The Team

Maria Prasanna is a Teacher of Computing.