VPP: Varndean Partnership Programme for Families

The Varndean Partnership Programme for Families aims to create stronger opportunities for school and home to work together, offer support and signposting for families with regards to learning and wellbeing and provide more opportunities to gather family voice. We know our students succeed through good partnership working. We are stronger together.

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Please see the VPP flyer for details of events 

All events will take place in school and where appropriate, copies of presentations/materials will be added below after the event. 




VPP: Varndean Partnership Programme for Families

SEND Workshops: Attachment

SEND Workshops: Neurodivergence

The Art GCSE

Send Workshops: Dyslexia

How to Approach Prep & How to Revise

SEND Workshops: SEMH

Anti-Racist Group for Families

Year 7 PP Chromebook Event

Welcome to Year 9 - GCSEs, study skills and making the most of all lessons

Online Safety - Navigating Mobile Phones and Education

Year 11 Colleges/Post 16 Event

Welcome Back Webinar 7th September